Hierarchical Structure of Sexual Violence


Theresa developed and trademarked this hierarchical chart to example in the simplest terms why we are silenced, shame, and blamed for crimes committed against our minds, bodies, and spirits.

This chart applies to sexual predators within families, religions, sport organizations, celebrity educational institutions – elementary schools through college and universities.

Head Predator in Charge (HPIC) - It all

starts with the economic and social status of the Head Predator In Charge

(HPIC) - family member, church, administrator or healthcare provider for sports

(i.e., Jerry Sandusky, Larry Nassar), great wealth (i.e., Jeffery Epstein), and

celebrity (R. Kelly).  His economic and

social status and reputations dictates that absolute loyalty from those in the

next three tiers as their direct economic and social status is determined by protecting

at all costs the HPIC.

For generations we heard the HPIC "grooms" those he victimizes, a nice way of saying somehow as children, we were responsible for failing to identify our sexual predators.  The truth, long before he victimized children, he successfully groomed whatever system he operates within (i.e., families, churches, sports organizations, Boy Scouts, educational institutions). Even if he gets caught his social and economic status provides a successful cover, which allows him to victimize with absolute freedom or fear of being caught, arrested, and convicted for years. Often for 2-+ years, every time a child or parent complaints they are faced with lawyers, silence money, and organizations demanding their silence, to go away.

The next three tiers are all those who not only protect the HPIC

but will lie, deny, and betray those victimized.

Adorning Queen - we

all know this woman, she is the proud Mrs., she has more power and more damaging

than the HPIC.  She will protect her

husband, spouse, boyfriend, at all costs. She will lead a vicious campaign against

anyone who says anything negative about the man in her life.  She is the first to proclaim a child as a

liar, that the man in question is a “good man, a good provider, a family man”.  If someone does believe the child, she will proudly

proclaim, that if “something” did happen it was the child’s fault.

Churches (faith based), Sports Organizations, Boys Scouts, Celebrities, and Primary Schools, Colleges and Universities How is it possible that Catholic Church in France 330,000 individuals victimized by priests the church didn’t know about it, or heard at least one compliant, or how  600+ Southern Baptists clergy and youth ministers sexually violated people just in Texas alone and no one noticed, those were brought to attention of the law and churches t most were not convicted or went to jail but once asked for forgiveness were welcomed back to as ministers;  and how was it possible that Jerry Sandusky and Larry Nassar could rape and abuse children for 20+ years go unnoticed despite the complaints from students and parents. How was it possible the Boy Scouts organizations  hid a list of 9,000+ Boy Scouts leaders who they knew raped young boys over the years but chose to remain silent. Let’s not forget , R. Kelly raped young girls for 15+ years, even had videos of his sexual violations, he was arrested and found not guilty of his crimes.


Administrators, and Managers - Everyone on this tier

understands power and they chose power over those victimized. It's as if they

have selective hearing and sight - a young coach witnessed Jerry Sandusky who

was 60+ years old naked in the shower with a 10- or 11-year-old boy and the coach

said he thought it was "horseplay", the number of managers,

entourages, housekeepers, pilots, and administrators and siblings who chose to

remain silent.

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